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Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Kind of a random post. Today I was on a trolley (it seems I'm always on one, how sad is that? I'm like one of those old crazy ladies who just rides the subway all day and talks to any clueless fool who sits next to them). Anyways, today's trolley was extremely cramped, and I was holding on to one of the metal poles,which many other people were holding onto too. So many hands. I then saw one with cracked old lines, skin worn away from cold winters and hard physical labor. Another was smooth rich brown, painted with turquoise, that caught the light and glimmered. Another was extremely pale, with smooth edges and large knuckles. Looking through the window that caught my reflection, it was almost impossible to tell which hand belonged to whom. I could've looked been the fashion-diva with the painted nails. I could've been the one with the cracked old hands. I just thought it was strange, and it caught my attention for some strange reason.

Monday, January 11, 2010


High school is all about the cliques. Yet every single person who has the same shoes, let's take for instant the ever so popular Uggs. Every girl at school will have the aforementioned shoes, and think that they still dress like an individual. Every person can have the identical sweater but it's from some hip, indie store so that still make you nonconformist to the many schemes of teenage marketing squads. One person can have 'discovered' an awesome indie band fresh out of the garage. The cold hard truth is, my wanna-be rebels of todays pop and P-Diddies of the world, is that if they have a CD, that probably means other people listen to them too. On a last note, everyone claims that they are an individual, unique, with a fresh new perspective to add to the dreary world of Abercrombie and Facebook. In fact, aren't the people who don't boast being an individual the most special of us all?
Something to ponder.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Post-Winter Break

I am very busy
I have nothing to write
I have to study with all my might
So I don't fail and become a high school drop out
Which I will became if I keep facebooking no doubt.
Extremely tired, weary and weak
I think my exhaustion has reached it's peak
I'm so unproductive when I'm at home
Oh, wait, I just wrote this nifty little poem

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


I just came back from the psychedelic (not to mention dizzying) joyride that is the blockbuster AVATAR. Never have I seen so many beautiful colors or dragon-like creatures zipping through a scenery of majestic mountains and forests. And one extremely large tree. The plot of AVATAR is pretty straightforward. It's about a guy in a wheelchair, okay that makes me sound kind of ignorant and stupid, okay fine. It's about an ex-marine who gets paralyzed legs, but gets a chance to become an avatar, and go to the new planet of Pandora and get to know the people. Once he gets there he realizes that Pandora, though beautiful and filled with oodles of creepy animal-things, has become terrorized by us earthlings. Though some avatars, such as one played by Sigourney Weaver has a tree-hugging scientist who had actually become friends with the native blue aliens, many seek only to destroy and look for a rare metal called unobtainiun...cute and punny, am I right? This sends the story into a whirlwind of fantastical journeys, adventures, and sometimes what can seem more like an Al Gore public service announcement, but this time we're trying to save blue, tribal like clans with pointed ears, than sweet polar bears. All and all it was beautifully done, and a bit heart-wrenching, but maybe I'm just a sap. Seeing it in 3D was amazing, though made me a little nauseous in the end, but great fun!

Saturday, December 26, 2009


The after Christmas vibe is always nice. You may be a little bored, but you have leftovers from a hopefully delicious meal from Christmas night, presents to enjoy and play with, and most importantly: contentment that you will not be rushing out to buy presents for every person who sent you an oven mitt (office reference) or a handmade clarinet (spongebob squarepants). Family is what makes the holidays great, in my opinion, though to tell you the truth presents don't hurt. I'm enjoying a nice cup of tea, wearing a new pair of pajama pants, and don't have school for more than a week. What else can you ask for? Hope your Christmas (or your Chanukah or Kwanza) was as great as mine!

Next bout to tackle: Ringning in the new year!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Joy to the World Jews and Christians alike

Hurrah! It's Christmas Eve! As happy as I am that tomorrow will be filled with mountains of presents and tons of "thank you"s' and "You shouldn't have"s', as well as my mother wanting to know where all the receipts to her presents are, I can't help feeling the holiday spirit! I kind of feel bad for all the jewish people of the world...they don't get off for Chanukah, whereas us christians, wanna-be christians, and people who just believe in the commercialism of corporate America get Christmas commercials, the wonderful and spunky Peanuts special, even the cheesy Nickolodean specials about trees and presents and feeling 'the holiday spirit'. All jewish people get is a punchline in a Christmas episode.....or the Rugrats special. Every day they come to school with their new clothes, and talking about their lovely presents. I sometimes think it would be fun to be a jew, with their menorahs (though, actually, I made my mother buy a menorah at a bookstore when I was at the tender age of 8), and the lavish bat/bar-mitzahs I got to attend as a middle schooler. Oh well, when it comes down to it, I love Christmas. Simple as that. Now...what about muslims? But I'm guessing that is a completely different story. More posts soon, now off to bake cookies and look in splendor at our tree. Adios!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Oh you little braces, with your vile metal taste
Please hurry up and straighten, quickly and in haste!
Oh what horror, what unbearable pain
If only the dentist had better aim
They ache, I moan, I can't chew only swallow
And feel pity and mouthfuls of unbearable sorrow
No apples, no gum, not even hard bread
Sometimes with braces, you're better off dead
No laughing, no smiling, no happiness galore
Being a metal-mouth sure isn't a bore
Just hurry up and straighten, you little metal witch
I should just be grateful that braces don't itch.